About me

When Bijal Vachharajani is not reading a children’s book, she’s writing or editing one. Chief picture book dreamer at Pratham Books, she’s the author of multiple planet-friendly books including Savi and the Memory Keeper, A Cloud Called Bhura and When Fairyland Lost Its Magic.

She’s also been the Editor at Time Out Bengaluru, consulted with international NGOs and written about children’s literature and sustainable development as a freelance journalist. She has a masters in Environment Security and Peace with a specialization in Climate Change and Security at the UN-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica. She’s now a certified climate worrier.

7 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hi Bijal, would like to get in touch with you about the launch of a new YA book by NOVA, Scholastic’s new YA imprint. Could you send me your contact details. Lubaina

  2. Hello Bijal, trying to contact you to invite you on our internet radio show “Reading with your kids Podcast”. Could you please let me know how to reach you?

  3. Hello Bijal, trying to contact you to invite you to our school Our grade 6 students are reading you book Savi and the memory keeper book. Could you please let me know how to reach you?

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